Southern Leyte Tourism Officers Convene at SLSU for Presentation of Draft Tourism Development Plan

Southern Leyte State University Main Campus — Southern Leyte Tourism Officers gathered on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 for the Presentation of the Draft Tourism Development Plan (TDP) of Southern Leyte (2023-2029).
Dr. Ingrid M. Uy, an Extensionist and the Director of SLSU External Linkages and International Affairs (ELIA), presented and previewed the key points of the Draft Tourism Development Plan to approximately 20 Tourism Officers and staff from various municipalities across Southern Leyte. This initiative was organized by the Southern Leyte Tourism and Investment Promotions Center, formerly known as the Provincial Tourism Office, under the leadership of Provincial Tourism Officer Mr. Nedgar V. Garvez, in collaboration with Southern Leyte State University.
The conception of this TDP has gone through various refinements and is still a work in progress to collate the diverse authentic tourism and culture of all the 18 municipalities of the Province of Southern Leyte. As previewed, the plan enumerates specific strategies to be pursued to align with the mission and vision set by the provincial tourism office.
The event was also graced by the Vice President for Research, Innovation and Extension Services, Dr. Francis Ann R. Sy, who highlighted the potential of research-based tourism initiatives to enhance the province's tourism visibility.
The TDP integrates several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), emphasizing tourism's role in promoting Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8) by generating employment and fostering economic resilience. It also focuses on enhancing Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9) through the development of tourism infrastructure. Furthermore, the plan supports Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11) by promoting cultural heritage and sustainable urban planning, while advocating for Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12) by minimizing resource use and promoting environmentally friendly practices. The TDP also addresses the protection of Life Below Water (SDG 14) and Life on Land (SDG 15) by including initiatives to protect marine ecosystems and biodiversity.
Among the team members who co-crafted the TDP and attended the event were Dr. Eda J. Opina, Dr. James Brian Flores, and Mr. Mark Donald S. Oja.
The event concluded with a commitment to ongoing collaboration and innovation in promoting Southern Leyte as a prime tourist destination.