RIES presents five-year agenda phase 5

The University Research, Innovation, and Extension Services presented to its stakeholders the 2023-2028 Agenda to ninety-five attendees of the Phase 5 Virtual Activity, on February 15, 2023 via Zoom.
Dr. Rhoderick D. Malangsa, Director for Research and Innovation discussed the 2023-2028 agenda and the corresponding thrust, priorities, projects, and the mission and vision.
The RIES Agenda 2023-2028 aims to provide direction for the next five years which also takes into consideration the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the thrusts and priorities of the government agencies, as well as to be responsive to the current needs of the community.
The RIES Vision is to be a leading unit of the University that provides intentional programs in Research, Innovation, and Extension for improved quality of life of Southern Leyteños and the people in the service areas. The RIES thrusts and priorities are aligned with the local government units; these are transformative learning, climate change adaptation and disaster, risk management, good governance, livelihood generation, biodiversity conservation, and resource evaluation, food, nutrition, and health, and tourism.