CHED-UniFAST revisits Southern Leyte State U implementation of FHE, TES

The Unified Financial Assistance System for Tertiary Education (UniFAST) of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Team visited Southern Leyte State University on September 28, 2022 to revisit the implementation of the Free Higher Education (FHE) and Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES).
CHED’s purpose is to improve student success by promoting equity of access, effective teaching and learning, and curriculum enhancement, with the so-called twin goals of becoming locally relevant and socially responsive.
For the effective implementation of the institutional monitoring and evaluation for Quality Assurance, the monitoring shall enhance Southern Leyte State U’s capacity in designing, delivering, and managing programs and services.
Further, the TES monitoring aims to identify areas for reform and intervention along the key areas of governance and management, quality of teaching and learning, support for students, and relations with the community.
It also adopts guidelines to ensure that appropriations for TES are accordingly administered and implemented.
As one of the core programs under the Republic Act 10931 also known as the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act, TES is a grants-in-aid program that provides funding for all Filipino students from the poorest-of-the-poor households enrolled in public and private HEIs.