Southern Leyte State U, PH Consortium hold a training on machine learning, selected classification algorithm

The Philippine Consortium of Higher Education Institutions Journal Publications, Inc. encourages educators and professionals in higher education institutions and affiliated organizations in developing countries to extend publication of high-quality academic journals. The organization strives to become the acknowledged top academic organization on all issues relating to scientific journal publication globally. One of the consortium's members is Southern Leyte State University. The consortium's Board of Directors is led by University President Dr. Prose Ivy G. Yepes, and the Technical Working Group (TWG) chaired by the Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Extension Services (VPRIES) Dr. Francis Ann R. Sy.
Artificial intelligence (AI) in the form of machine learning (ML) enables computer programs to forecast outcomes more accurately without having been explicitly instructed to do so. In order to forecast new output values, machine learning algorithms use historical data as input. Machine learning is significant because it enables businesses to see patterns in customer behavior and operational behavior and facilitates the creation of new products.
The Program on Machine Learning and Selected Classification Algorithms is a two-day training that will be held at the Azia Suites and Residence, 8 Rahmann Extension, Cebu City, Philippines on September 8 and 9, 2022. Ms. Ma. Debbie Ann Repollo, Consortium Staff.
Dr. Francis Ann R. Sy, TWG Chair and Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Extension Services at Southern Leyte State U, extends a warm greeting to the participants. Dr. Angline M. Pogoy, TWG Member, Vice-President for Research, Extension, and Publication at Cebu Normal University, introduced the attendees after Dr. Prose Ivy G. Yepes, BOD Chair and President of Southern Leyte State University, gave her motivational speech.
Of the 16 State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) that make up the consortium, 8 of them—Biliran Province State University, Samar State University, North Eastern Mindanao State University-Tagbina Campus, North Western Mindanao State College of Science and Technology, Eastern Visayas State University, University of Northern Philippines, Cebu Normal University, and University of San Jose-Recoletos—attended training.
The training's plenary speaker is Dr. Rhoderick D. Malangsa, Director of research and innovation at Southern Leyte State University, and it was co-facilitated by Ms. Jannie Fluer V. Oraño. The training aims to provide learning in fundamental machine learning concepts to solve practical Data Science problems and step-by-step machine learning process, provide avenue on various machine learning techniques and their applications, analyze regression, and classification problems, provide learning on supervised learning, linear regression analysis using Python libraries – Numpy, Pandas, Sklear, and to produce high-quality research papers.