ITSO conducts IP awareness, prior art search writeshop for Engineering students

The Innovation and Technology Support Office conducted an IP Awareness and Prior Art Writeshop on March 1, 2023 to one hundred sixty-five third-year engineering students of Southern Leyte State U in preparation for their thesis writing, as a way to equip them with the skills and knowledge on patent search, basic steps on drafting their research outputs for UM, Patent, Industrial Design, and Copyrights portfolios. It was attended by both male and female young researchers to observe, and promote gender equality.
In her inspirational and welcome message, Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Extension Services, Dr. Francis Ann R. Sy encouraged the young researchers to collaborate and share ideas to invent or innovate something new.
The writeshop was facilitated by three resource speakers from ITSO; the head of ITSO, Dr. Angel T. Sabusap, focused his discussion on the “Relevance of Intellectual Property to the Academe and Role of ITSO in the University”, while Engr. Marvin Credo spoke about “The Criteria for Patenting my Invention”, and Ms. Rio Katrina Avila on the “Basic Patent Search and International Patent Classification.”
The activity has been a significant initiative for the University’s vision to be a leading higher education institution that advances knowledge and will be known for innovation.