OVPAF conducts workshop on the formulation of energy efficiency, conservation program

On September 15–16, 2022, the Office of the Vice President for Administration and Finance held a "Workshop on the Formulation of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program of Southern Leyte State University" to institutionalize the mandated function of Republic Act 11285 or "The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act." The mentioned workshop was attended by members of the university's Energy Efficiency and Conservation Committee and the appointed Energy Efficiency and Conservation Officers on all of the campuses of the university.
With the Department of Energy Regional Office No. 7 as the resource person, the two-day workshop's goal is to identify the programs, projects, and activities that the university will undertake concerning the efficient use and conservation of energy resources in accordance with the existing rules and regulations. Moreover, it seeks to present strategies and policies for managing and administering projects and activities that will result in energy efficiency and conservation.
The formulation of the university's "Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program" promotes the wise and efficient use and conservation of energy resources. It is in line with the university's commitment to being a smart and green university.
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