Southern Leyte State U conducts Basic Management Training to Enhance Leader's Effectiveness
Southern Leyte State University through the initiative of the University Human Resource Management and Development in collaboration with the Office of the Vice President for Administration and Finance and Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs conducted a 4-day training on Basic Management to Enhance Leader's Effectiveness on the dates June 11, 13, 14, and 18, 2024 at 8am to 5pm at the GS Library, SLSU Sogod Campus.
Through case methods and discussions, the series of sessions are designed to increase the effectiveness of the appointed SLSU leaders by providing them basic management concept and skills. The following topics were discussed:
Day 1: Problem Analysis and Decision Making
Day 2: Stakeholder Analysis and Management of Change
Logical Framework and Performance Evaluation/Monitoring
Day 3: Strategic Planning and Thinking
Day 4: Negotiations and Conflict Resolution
During the training lectures and workshops were delivered in the morning, while reporting and sessions were done in the afternoon.
The training was participated by the Vice Presidents of the University, Chief Administrative Officers, Supervising Administrative Officers, Assistant Executive Officer, Administrative Officer V/IVs, Directors, Heads, College Deans, Campus Directors, the University Registrar, Program Chairpersons, and HRMOs from the campuses.