RI office conducts review, evaluation of proposed PPAs

The Office of Research and Innovation of Southern Leyte State University conducted a review and evaluation of the proposed programs, projects, and activities (PPAs) on January 24-25, 2023.
The 2-day activity aims to provide an output of new research and evaluation proposals that would lead towards the attainment of the University mission in transforming and improving quality of life in the communities in the service areas.
This undertaking shall develop a community engagement framework on poverty alleviation programs consistent with the University’s alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals which has the number one priority in fighting poverty.
The said activity was held at the RIES Building, 2nd floor. It was attended by the Director for Research and Innovation; Dr. Rhoderick Malangsa, Mrs. Adelfa Diola; Science Research Specialist II, Mr. Tamar B. Mejia, Jr; Unit Head of Information Systems and Data Analytics, and Rujube N. Hinoguin; Head for University Research Operation, who served as the evaluators.