VPRIES conducts farm business planning on poultry production

A Seminar on Farm Business Planning on Poultry Production was conducted on August 16-17, 2022 for the beneficiaries of the extension project called "Upscaling Livelihood Projects in Small Villages in Southern Leyte: A Typhoon Odette Post Disaster Recovery Initiative."
The two-day activity focused on poultry production. Dr. Glenn Dublado from Southern Leyte State U-Bontoc Campus shared his expertise and practical ideas in terms of poultry production. Moreover, he stressed the importance of food safety in all phases of poultry and meat production.
This extension activity aims to capacitate fifty percent (50%) of the beneficiaries in re-establishing their livelihoods as economic activities. It is made possible through the partnership of Southern Leyte State University with the CRS-Catholic Relief Services-United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (CRS-USCCB). The latter is funded by the Republic of China's Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF).