Bontoc Campus

The Southern Leyte State University Bontoc Campus is one of the six campuses of the university. It houses the College of Aquatic and Applied Life Sciences (CAALS). It commits in developing comprehensive curricula to produce Science and Technology leaders and professional in the field of Agriculture, Fisheries and Marine Biology. It the following degree programs: BS in Fisheries, BS in Agriculture, BS in Marine Biology, Bachelor of Agricultural Technology and BS in Information Technology.
As a recognized Provincial Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries (PIAF), Bontoc Campus is equipped with facilities, primarily the Multi-Species Hatchery that is currently utilized in culturing commercially-important fish species, such as Macrobrachium sp. (Ulang) and Oreochromis sp. (Tilapia).
The Bontoc Campus is also equipped with freshwater ponds for tilapia grow-out culture and brackish water ponds for the culture of Chanos sp. (Milkfish). It further intensifies its support to students and faculty researchers through the establishment of the Bioresource Production Technology Center (BioProTeC) that houses various laboratories in chemistry, microbiology, genomics and tissue culture, and has gained several externally-funded researches including the funding support received from the Commission on Higher Education-Office of Institutional Quality Assurance and Governance (CHED-OIQAG), on laboratory upgrade, the project on the evaluation of cell viability and anti-microbial capacity of crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS) fractions funded by the Department of Science and Technology-National Research Council of the Philippines (DOST-NRCP), the extension program on empowerment of fisherfolks for livelihood security and better management of coastal resources funded by the CHED-National Agriculture and Fisheries Education System (CHED-NAFES).
The Bontoc Campus has also secured various collaborations in local, national and international level, to mention a few, its collaboration with Oceana Philippines International on the assessment of mangrove and seagrass resources in Panaon Island, Southern Leyte; the US Peace Corps through the Peace Corps Partnership Program (PCPP) on a project intended to revitalize Brackish water ponds of the campus for reliable supply of milkfish in Southern Leyte and neighboring provinces. It has also entered into an exploratory research collaboration with Ghent University through “Global Minds Fund Development Cooperation Capacity Building (CB PC 2019)” funded by the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR). Indeed, Southern Leyte State U - Bontoc has transformed into an educational landmark of vital importance to the province of Southern Leyte and beyond.