San Juan Campus

The Southern Leyte State University – San Juan Campus is the oldest campus of the University established in 1946. It offers quality tertiary education leading to the degrees in secondary education, technology and livelihood education, industrial technology and information technology.
As a host campus for the College of Business and Management, it offers the following business degrees in accountancy, management accounting, office administration and entrepreneurship. Seven out of eight programs are recognized by CHED as program compliant, hence, awarded the elusive Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) attesting that the programs offered have met the minimum CHED requirements. The curricula of the different degrees are embedded with research and innovation pedagogies. In addition, five programs are accredited by the AACUP as Level II and Level III.
The Center for Research in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (CReMSMED) is a pioneer for innovation and development of various business enterprises in community-based organizations in the region. It supports the growth and expansion of the business climate in the province and the entire Region 8. It currently conducts researches on business incubation, business planning, and strategic management. And as such the Center is envisioned to become a learning hub for micro, small and medium entrepreneurs.
Campus News

SLSU-San Juan host RIES-MIS training to streamline research and extension data management
Southern Leyte State University-San Juan Campus, through the Research, Innovation, and Extension...

SLSU-San Juan holds "Innovate to Protect" workshop on Intellectual Property and Patent Drafting
Southern Leyte State University-San Juan Campus, through the Research, Innovation, and Extension...

SLSU-San Juan Campus conducts training workshop on research proposal completion and paper refinement for Scopus Publication
Southern Leyte State University-San Juan Campus, through the Research, Innovation, and Extension...

SLSU-San Juan empowers faculty researchers with a training on SEM
Southern Leyte State University-San Juan Campus successfully held a virtual training-writeshop on...

SLSU-San Juan Campus hosts training workshop on proposal and report writing to strengthen extension programs
Southern Leyte State University-San Juan Campus recently conducted a training workshop on...

SLSU-San Juan Campus conducts Online In-House Review and Evaluation of RIES PPAs
Southern Leyte State University-San Juan Campus, through its Research, Innovation, and Extension...