RIES conducts evaluation, revision, presentation of 2023 agenda

The statement of purpose and presentation of output in the evaluation, revision, and presentations of RIES Agenda occurred on the 20th of January 2023 at the Plenary of Southern Leyte State University.
The said activity was graced by the Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Extension Services Dr. Francis Ann Sy as she welcomed the participants, and eagerly mentioned the fruitful virtual conference with DILG and other in line agencies on 19th of January, as a good source of information, and insights as the University formulates the new RIES agenda for 2023 and beyond.
Dr. Sy shared to the crowd that the University has been awarded by the DILG as CapDev Accelerator Awardee 2022 for the institution’s accomplishments of extension programs and activities. The award recognized the valuable contributions of DILG partner institutions in its capacity development initiatives. It recognizes the potential of fostering innovation, empowering LGUs, and accelerating excellence in local governance. Furthermore, she encouraged that the University shall sustain the said award.
Dr. Roderick Malangsa, Director for Research and Innovation, facilitated the presentation of outputs by the participants from the main campus and external campuses. He highlighted the research completed and the journals published along with the funding being utilized.
The write-shop focused on formulating the new RIES Vision, Mission, and Goals, as well as discussed the original five thrusts and priorities that became seven at the end of the activity. The participants in the write-shop unanimously agreed to retain the five thrusts and priorities of RIES. The approved programs, projects, and activities have been specifically identified to which thrust and priorities they belong to through the facilitation of the Director for Extension Services; Dr. Frederick C. Aniga.
There were four proposed RIES Vision, and the department unanimously chose the first formulated vision which states “A leading unit of the University that provides intentional programs in Research, Innovation, and Extension for improved quality of life of Southern Leyteños and the people in other service areas.”
The newly crafted RIES mission is “to intensively pursue the generation, development, sharing, utilization, and application of science-based knowledge, information and innovations for the inclusive development and climate change resiliency of the service areas”
Meanwhile, the new RIES goals are to 1) to generate science-based and innovative knowledge products that will respond to the needs in the service areas, 2) intensify support for the protection, commercialization, and adoption of appropriate technologies, 3) facilitate the utilization and transfer of developed technologies and expertise to the service areas, 4) upgrade the human and physical resources necessary for the implementation of intentional research, innovation, and extension programs.
The thrust and priorities of RIES, inspired and anchored at the Southern Leyte’s government sustainable development goals and agenda that emphasized tourism, environment, and agriculture are Transformative Learning, Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management, Good Governance, Livelihood Generation, Biodiversity Conservation and Resource Valuation, Food, Nutrition, and Health, and Tourism.
The one-day activity of Research, Innovation, and Extension Services had been fruitful as it accomplished its goals on evaluation, revision, and presentation of the RIES agenda.