The seal bears the name of the University and the (1946) its oldest campus (SLSU-San Juan) was established. The three words inside the circle are reflective of the tri-fold mandated functions of the university, as follows: Knowledge (instruction), Innovation (research), and Service (extension).
The hexagon at the center represents the six campuses under the university banner with inner icons to connote its corresponding areas of specialization, namely: the book and torch (teacher education), the and computer (engineering and technology), the people (business and management), the fish (aquatic and applied life sciences), the rice (agriculture, food, and environmental sciences), and the hand and globe (governance and development studies).
The Southern Leyte map at the core of the seal signifies the university's role as one of the catalysts in the province. The laurel leaves symbolize the quest for excellence as mandated.
The eight outer gears signify the development of its direct service are Region VIII and inner circles to represent the university's active participation and linkage with the global community.
The Kingfisher, is a wise and keen seeker of the fish signifies the University's aim of pursuing partners in the country and across the world. The colors of the seal are derived from the kingfisher locally known as "talingkaroy," the university's symbolic bird, which is found to be abundant in the province.