Things just get hotter and hotter! | Mr. & Ms. SLSU 2017
The Campus Headliner (facebook page)- official publication of SLSU
A wild cheer welcomed the candidates as they appeared on the eyes of the crowd. A fresh site for everybody to see at their production number. As each representative gave their own style of introducing themselves, their supporters also gave their best and loudest shouts.
Hosted tonight by our very glamorous, Eda Opina and the much loved, Mr. Jordan “Good morning!...“ as they have said “…good morning for it is another start of the university pageant ( from Ms. SLSU to Mr. & Ms. SLSU ).” Indeed it is a new step forward for the university as this will surely spice up the crowd. Followed then is the criteria for judging. Upon knowing this event, every one excites themselves for the candidates as they show up with their swimwear attires. The male and female candidates fiercely ramp up the stage together with their philosophies in life.