SLSU MCC conducts Mangrove Reforestation through Green Shields

This activity, organized by the Southern Leyte State University Maasin Campus, was a collaborative effort led by the Student Supreme Council (SSC) along with their adviser, Mr. James Amrinto. The event also saw the participation of the JSWAP (Junior Social Workers Association of the Philippines) from the Social Work Department, CPAS (Circle of Public Administration Students) from the Public Administration Department, and the school publication PULSE. The theme for this event, “Green Shields: Strengthening Coastal Resilience through Mangrove Reforestation,” highlights the importance of mangrove ecosystems in protecting coastal communities and their environment.
Held at Hapitan, Manhilo in Maasin City, the mangrove planting activity aimed to contribute to the restoration and preservation of the local coastal environment. Mangroves serve as natural barriers that reduce the impact of storm surges, erosion, and flooding, thus enhancing the resilience of coastal areas to the effects of climate change and natural disasters.
Through this initiative, the participants not only raised awareness about environmental conservation but also took tangible steps toward fostering sustainable practices in their community. This activity serves as a meaningful reminder of the vital role that education and collective action play in addressing environmental challenges. It also highlights the responsibility of the younger generation to actively engage in environmental stewardship, ensuring the preservation of natural resources for future generation.