Dr. Prisno Leads Writeshop on Policy Analysis and Epidemiology for Publishable Research at Tomas Oppus Campus

Southern Leyte State University-Tomas Oppus (SLSU-TO) recently hosted a writeshop led by Dr. Don Eliseo Lucero Prisno III, one of the world’s top 2% scientists, focusing on policy analysis and epidemiology for publishable research on October 28, 2024, at the Theater.
The event featured Dr. Don Eliseo Lucero Prisno III, SLSU RD-LEAD, a globally recognized scientist and founder of Global Health Focus, along with his assistant Jericho Ogaya; Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Extension Services (OVPRIES) Dr. Francis Ann R. Sy; RI Director Marie Khul Langub; Campus Director Dr. Clemente H. Cobilla; Head of Research, Innovation, and Extension Services Dr. Mark B. Galdo; and several faculty members and visiting instructors. The writeshop focused on equipping faculty with tools and data, including Scopus-indexed resources, to develop publishable research on policy analysis and epidemiology.
Dr. Prisno, facilitated the writeshop as part of the National Research Council of the Philippines’ Research Development Leadership and Advancement Program for Development (NRCP-RD LEAD), supporting participants in refining unpublished works submitted at the campus In-House RIES Review and Evaluation.
In her opening remarks, Dr. Francis Ann R. Sy celebrated the university’s growing research output, noting, “We already have 66 papers published,” and highlighted SLSU's milestone achievement of hiring 19 research assistants to support faculty across campuses. Dr. Sy also commended SLSU-TO for contributing six Scopus-indexed publications.
“Our main goal is to position the university as a globally ranked, research-intensive institution with a mission to impact society and humanity positively,” Dr. Prisno emphasized, underscoring the university’s vision. He also highlighted the leading Philippine Higher Education Institutions ranked in the 2025 Times Higher Education World University Rankings and reminded participants of the critical role of research in defining a university. “One of the pillars of a university is to produce knowledge through research. If you are not doing that, you are not truly embracing the concept of what a university is,” he stated.
Dr. Galdo, Head of RIES, presented his research on Navigating the Filipino Education Curriculum in HEIs Towards a Contextualized Pedagogical Model Across Disciplines. This was followed by Mr. Jose C. Agoylo, the corresponding author, who presented the paper Deep Learning for Real-Time Filipino Sign Language Recognition: Towards Empowering Deaf Communities, authored by Jilbert C. Bation, with Engineer Efren J. Balaba as a co-author.
The writeshop highlighted the need to strengthen the education system and drive innovation to attract investments for national development. The training aimed to enhance faculty researchers' skills in policy analysis and epidemiology, promoting high-quality research for future journal publications. This event is aligned with the SDG 4: Quality Education and SDG:9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.