25 Aug 2023
SLSU conducts 1st General Student Assembly for A.Y. 2023-2024

The Supreme Student Council (SSC) of Southern Leyte State U – Main Campus (SLSU-MC) conducted the 1st General Assembly for the A.Y. 2023-2034 on August 25 at the SLSU-MC Multi-Purpose Court. The assembly was attended by all officially enrolled students for the academic year.
SSC President Mike Jhong G. Dotarot, together with his set of officers, spearheaded the said activity. During Dotarot's welcome address, he strongly urged the students to make a change together to encourage them to take part in improving the oneness of the university's student body.
The assembly was conducted to familiarize first-year students with the new Supreme Student Council Officers and the organization's financial report, Constitution and By-Laws, and the system for fine collection policy and penalties.
Part of the activity's agenda also includes introducing KF21 officers, upcoming events such as the acquaintance party and intramurals, and U-Games to inform the whole studentry of the significant activities to be held this first semester of the academic year.