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Electrical Engineering


Electrical Engineering is a profession that involves the conceptualization, development, design and application of safe, healthy, ethical, economical and sustainable generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical energy for the benefit of society and the environment through the knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences, information technology and other allied sciences, gained by study, research and practice.

Electrical Engineering is one of the broader fields of the engineering disciplines both in terms of the range of problems that fall within its purview and in the range of knowledge required to solve these problems.


The Outcome-Based Education (OBE) approach is characterized by a continuous and cyclical learning process, spanning four key steps:


(a)  Plan (Syllabus Writing/Review): In this phase, the Course Outcomes are meticulously aligned with the Program Educational Objectives (PEO), Program Outcomes (PO), and Graduate Attributes. The syllabi are designed to incorporate strategies for achieving these outcomes, forming a comprehensive learning plan. Additionally, the plan includes methodologies for measuring the outcomes through well-defined assessment tools.


(b)  Implement (Course Delivery): This step involves the actual execution of the learning plan and strategies outlined in the syllabi. Faculty members deliver the courses with a focus on producing the desired outcomes, employing various teaching and learning strategies.


(c)  Measure / Assess (Assessment): The assessment phase is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of the learning strategies. The planned methods for measuring the learning outcomes and objectives are carried out, generating data that is then systematically collected and analyzed. This phase provides an opportunity to obtain valuable feedback on the educational process.

(d)  Respond / Improve (Continuous Quality Improvement): The final step revolves around determining necessary improvements based on the assessment results. This feedback-driven phase serves as the foundation for making changes to enhance the educational process continually. These changes may involve refining the learning plan, modifying strategies, or even revising outcomes and objectives. The improvements identified become the basis for the next cycle of the OBE process, ensuring an ongoing commitment to excellence.


The Program Educational Objectives (PEO) of the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Program of Southern Leyte State University are statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments of the BSEE graduates after about five years from graduation.

The following are the PEO’s of the BSEE program:




Possess required Electrical Engineering skills and technical expertise in the areas of power system design and operation, machine automation, renewable energy resources and power electronics.


Graduates of Electrical Engineering demonstrate life-long learning and continuous professional and career development while practicing their profession.


Demonstrate service for the community and society that helps uplift the lives of the people and will manifest concern for the environment.


Program Outcomes (PO) are narrow statements that describe outcomes (knowledge, skills, abilities, values) of what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation.

Common to all programs in all types of schools

At the end of this program, the students are expected to:

a)    Recognize the need for, and engage in life – long learning;

b)    Communicate effectively thru oral and in writing using both English and Filipino;

c)    Know contemporary issues.

Common to Engineering

                    An Engineering graduate should have developed the ability to:

d)    Apply knowledge of mathematics and sciences to solve engineering problems;

e)    Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;

f)     Design system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability in accordance with standards;

g)    Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems;

h)    Apply techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice; and;

i)     Know and understand engineering and management principles as a member and/or leader in a team to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.

Specific to Electrical Engineering

A BSEE graduate should have developed the ability to:

j)     apply knowledge of mathematics, physical, life and information sciences and engineering sciences appropriate to any Electrical Engineering fields of practice;

k)    design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data in different electrical power systems;

l)     design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs in Electrical Engineering industry within identified constraints;

m)  assess and evaluate power systems operations under normal and abnormal conditions;

n)    analyze the operating principles related to power generation from non-conventional sources of energy; and

o)    use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for further exploration in Electrical Engineering field.



SLSU BSEE graduate should be:


p)    creative and innovative scientific leader for designing the optimal use of natural elements to improve quality of life