SLSU Bontoc BS Marine Biology program re-accredited for Level III status

The BS in Marine Biology program of the SLSU Bontoc Campus has “Qualified for Level III” status after the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc. conducted its third round of evaluation survey on December 4-6, 2023.
SLSU Bontoc BS Marine Biology program has received an excellent rating with a grand mean of 4.25 as reflected in the 4 key results areas that were accredited namely: I) Instruction – 4.07, II)

Extension – 4.64, III) Faculty Development – 3.86, IV) Consortia and Linkages – 4.43. Alongside support received from SLSU-Bontoc Faculty and Staff, the commendable performance on these key areas was made possible through Ms. Alieza Del Socorro, Dr. Maria Fe Novere E. Amor, Dr. Carlo M. Cabillo and Ms. Janine C. Dimzon who chaired the areas on Instruction, Extension, Faculty Development, and Consortia or Linkages, respectively.
The criteria set to pass and qualify for this Level III accreditation must have a minimum grand mean of 4.00 or higher and a minimum area mean of 3.50 or higher. This re-accreditation is effective from December 16, 2023, until December 15, 2027.

Ms. Alieza del Socorro, program chair of BS Marine Biology pointed out that success could not be attained without the concerted efforts of the faculty, staff from different units on the campus, and BSMB students. “Every evaluation process means that we must devote extra time to gather and package the necessary documents. Since we are only a small unit, we made sure to have a timeline and most importantly seek help from other units,” she added.
BS Marine Biology is the very first program on the campus to receive a Level III accreditation from AACCUP. Getting a curricular program accredited also directly contributes to the SUC's leveling. “The evaluation process became a coaching and mentoring session with the AACCUP accreditors. With their vast experience in the field, they have shared ways to improve our services and how to address certain challenges as well as the best practices of other SUCs,” Ms. Del Socorro said.

Professor Gladys Pascual, the SLSU Bontoc Campus Director was delighted with this achievement in the accreditation survey. “This accreditation signifies that we are on the right track and taking the right actions to make our BSMB program at par with the national and hopefully international universities. Our mission is to hone graduates who can compete in the field of marine science so I hope that the campus continues to #SoarHigh,” she added.

