SLSU-Hinunangan Harvests Success: Agriculture Day 2024 Celebration Blossoms with Vibrant Events

The Department of Agricultural Science and Technology (DAST) of Southern Leyte State University - Hinunangan Campus (SLSU-HC) organized a colorful celebration yesterday, April 18, for Agriculture Day 2024. The event unfolded with zeal and purpose under the proficient guidance of Department Head Emma Suzette Pernites and the dynamic cooperation of the Organization of Agricultural Science Students (OASIS).

Themed "AgriCoolture: Planting Dreams, Growing Future," the day commenced with a coastal clean-up drive along the shores of Barangays Bangcas-A and Bangcas-B, Hinunangan. This symbolic gesture highlighted the department's commitment to environmental stewardship and community engagement.

The festivities gained momentum with a refreshing opening program held at the Student Welfare and Development Center (SWaDC), followed by enlightening seminars featuring esteemed speakers such as Mr. Noel Tinsay, Mr. Sixto Perocho, Jr., and Mr. Patric Bitos. Their insights delved into cutting-edge agricultural practices and the imperative of sustainable farming in today's world.

Concurrently, many engaging events unfolded throughout the day, captivating students and faculty alike. From the riveting Chicken Slaughter Contest to the culturally rich Laro ng Lahi and from the meticulous Dish Garden Competition to the delectable Cooking Contest, participants enthusiastically showcased their prowess. The Agriculture Quiz Bee tested intellects, and the said competitions nurtured a spirit of friendly competition among attendees, all vying for amazing prizes.

The pinnacle of the festivities arrived with an enchanting Solidarity Night, where the agricultural community of students, faculty, and staff congregated in harmony. Against a backdrop of camaraderie and mutual purpose, participants reveled in the bonds forged through their communal passion for agriculture.

In her speech, Mrs. Pernites emphasized the profound significance of agriculture in human existence. "Agriculture is not merely a livelihood; it is the bedrock of civilization, sustaining life and advancing prosperity," remarked Mrs. Pernites. She extended heartfelt gratitude to all involved, acknowledging their dedication and tireless efforts in orchestrating a successful celebration.

Beyond the festivities, Agriculture Day 2024 served as a tender reminder of agriculture's critical role in addressing contemporary global challenges. Amidst mounting concerns over food security and environmental sustainability, the celebration emphasized the imperative of nurturing a deeper appreciation for agriculture and its multifaceted contributions to society.

As the echoes of celebration fade, the spirit of Agriculture Day 2024 of DAST lingers on, inspiring commitment to cultivating a future where agriculture thrives and dreams take root.

HC Agri Day 2


HC Agri Day 1

HC Agri Day 3
