RI office holds training workshop on basic Bioinformatics

The Office of Research and Innovation (RI) of Southern Leyte State University conducted a university-wide training workshop on Basic Bioinformatics on June 1-3, 2022 for the early-career researchers in Biology, Chemistry, Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Technology, Computer Science and Information Technology, and other related fields.

In science, Bioinformatics is a field of computational science that has to do with the analysis of sequences of biological molecules. Scientists and clinicians use databases that organize and index such biological information to increase people's understanding of health and disease and, in certain cases, as part of medical care.

The training aims to enable the participants to confirm the identification and characterize the physiology of their target species, which is essential in conducting research on species biodiversity conversation, food processing, drug discovery, and plant/ animal disease diagnostics and management among others.

Moreover, it seeks to provide learning to the participants in bioinformatics concepts to solve real-world problems and it facilitates understanding of skills necessary and step by step process for bioinformatics using tools/software.

This is in line with the University’s goal which is to develop and sustain a culture of research and innovation within the academic circle of all six campuses.

More photos of the activity: 

