Empowering College of Engineering Students through IP Awareness and Patent Search Seminar at SLSU

To promote intellectual property (IP) awareness among university stakeholders, the Innovation and Technology Support Office (ITSO) recently organized a successful IP Awareness and Patent Search Seminar for College of Engineering students at Southern Leyte State University. The seminar occurred on April 17 and April 24, 2024, at the SLSU Theater.

During this seminar, students engaged in the ideation phase of their research studies or thesis were allowed to assess the novelty and inventiveness of their technological ideas. This initiative aimed to equip students with the knowledge to determine whether their proposed technologies were new or already existed within the field.

The seminar received strong support from the Dean of the College of Engineering, Engr. Julius Paler emphasizes the importance of enhancing IP awareness among aspiring engineers.

The event's success was attributed to the participation of Patent Drafters from ITSO, including Engr. Jonelle Tablada, Mr. Junjun Tahil (representing Civil, Electrical, and Computer Engineering), Ms. Rio Katrina Avila and Engr. Carmel Aniga (representing Mechanical Engineering). These resource speakers delivered valuable insights into various aspects of the intellectual property (IP) system, specifically focusing on techniques for conducting effective patent searches across different databases.

By empowering College of Engineering students with essential IP knowledge, this seminar supported their academic pursuits and underscored ITSO's commitment to fostering innovation and IP awareness within the university community. This collaborative effort highlights the essential role of education in protecting and promoting intellectual creation among future engineers at SLSU.

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