SLSU-MCC holds Research and Extension Agenda Presentation

Recognizing the pivotal role of research, innovation, and extension in its mission, Southern Leyte State U – Maasin City Campus has once again conducted a presentation of its Campus Research and Extension Agenda last September 20, 2023, at the Roman Galdo Convention Center, Ichon, Macrohon, Southern Leyte.

The said activity was participated by the campus' key officials headed by Dr. Frederick C. Aniga, the Campus Director, Dr. Magdaleno T. Samaco Jr., the RIES Head, Dr. Jonathan J. Palco, the Research and Innovation Coordinator, Ms. Juvenal F. Sumaya, the Extension Services Coordinator, other dedicated faculty members, staff, alumni, enthusiastic student leaders, and invaluable partner agencies.

The presentation underscores how the campus seamlessly integrates research and extension to create a holistic approach to education and societal impact. The Presentation of the Research and Extension Agenda allowed academic leaders and partner agencies to present their groundbreaking research projects, sharing their insights and discoveries with the community and highlighting the campus's academic excellence. It also showcased the campus's unwavering commitment to advancing knowledge, fostering collaboration, and empowering the community.

Moreover, the event recognizes and honors the vital contributions of partner agencies—government bodies, non-profits, and local organizations—that collaborate with the campus to amplify the impact of its research and extension initiatives. Their support is essential in reaching the broader community and addressing its pressing challenges.

Indeed, the activity brought together diverse stakeholders under one roof, emphasizing the importance of collective effort in achieving the campus's mission. With faculty members, staff, alums, students, and partner agencies coming together, the event embodies the spirit of unity, innovation, and progress that defines the institution. As the campus presents its research and extension agenda, it charts a path toward a brighter future for Maasin City and the broader Southern Leyte community.

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